Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hear This..."Chinatown" Destroyer

File:2011Kaputt.jpg      For me, the word Chinatown can only bring to mind the 1974 Roman Polanski film of the same name.  It's an excellent movie but very dark and unsettling.  The word only brings to mind images of the film's notorious ending and final words whose utterance can leave shivers down your spine.  I liked the movie, but its one that can keep you up all night thinking about it.
      Thankfully the Canadian indie pop band, Destroyer, gave me a new meaning to the word with the release of their song "Chinatown" off their 2011 album Kaputt.  In comparison, the song is much more relaxed than the film.  Its a hybrid song thats background of indie pop is mixed with elements of chill-wave and jazz.  Unlike most indie songs, "Chinatown" complete's itself with a casual  brass solo.  Vocals are shared by front man  Dan Bejar and female singer Sibel Thrasher who comes in singing the phrase "I can't walk away at all."
      Maybe its a clever reference to Polanski's film.  I don't want to spoil the ending to any of those who haven't seen it, but Chinatown ends with Jack Nicholson's character, Detective J.J. Gittes, reluctantly being escorted away from the crime scene.  "Forget it Jake, its Chinatown."  Thankfully for music fans, Destroyer has made a song that's so pleasing, it simply can't be forgotten.


  1. And they are not the only band to name a song Chinatown, check out the excellent track from Wild nothing

    I want to track down Destroyer's older LP's, Chinatown was one of my fav songs from their 2011 album.
    In fact, Kaputt was my no 1 album of last year:


  2. good list. i especially like kurt vile's LP. that might have been my fav of the year
