Sunday, December 4, 2011

Audiovisuals...Watch Guards and the Magik Magik Orchestra perform "I See It Coming"

      Fishing the web for music in lieu of my final exams, I came across this stunning orchestral rendition of Guards' song "I See It Coming."  Coming across this song about a year ago, I instantly became a fan of this band's style- that of which I couldn't exactly put my finger on.  They were distinct enough from general rock n roll, but to the point were all their songs sort of carried something similar. I know, huge help with that last remark.  "A song like this one only brings to mind a collection of words like 'joyful pain,' or 'dark beauty.'" Still unclear, one site tags their music as 'pop wave doom.' "Perfect!" And that was enough to call me a fan.
      And finally to the point- I came across this adaptation of "I See It Coming" and thought it worth posting.  Its definitely a cool version, and this case, a rarity amongst renditions to be on par with its predecessor.  I quickly came to know it as the perfect farewell/conclusion/finale song song ever.  Its shouted towards you as if to be a poem of protest, shaking off the bleakness and disparity of life.  "Calling the living to go out and live"....I don't know exactly.
      Placing it under the term 'Audiovisual', I go out on a limb and imply that there's also some superior visual quality that deserves not to be ignored- hence the term. For this song, what you see is what you hear. Its nothing quite special. Preformed in front of a quaint symphony of brass, string and piano alongside a real live choir, all amidst the eerie backdrop of a Church, that of which bears the presence of  hazy morning light all around its inside. Oh and by the way, its filmed in black and white. What more can I say to it? Check it out.

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