With its many perks and glories, fame can be a deceptive trap. Old age can squander any star athlete's sports career, but this is not the case with music. Call it a blessing, but also call it a curse.
The Rolling Stones are no doubt one of the greatest rock bands ever, but I am probably not the only one that finds issue with a man my grandpa's age jumping about on stage swinging his hips while wearing skinny jeans. The music is not the issue; its just the image.
With the release of Reality in 2003, David Bowie placed himself into an elite category of musical acts, alongside the Rolling Stones, whose career has spanned over five decades. Its is a remarkable feat for an artist to remain relevant through 50 years of music, withstanding the test of time amidst an ever-changing musical landscape. After a number of rather quiet years went by without any talks of a new single or album, many thought that Bowie's time has passed.